Tionde lektionen med Tim Holtz - the One and only! En del av teknikerna har jag testat förut, medans andra var helt nya - och det har hänt mer än en gång att jag fått reda på att jag tidigare gjort helt fel! :D Kan säga att det funkar mycket bättre med en del saker nu! ;)
Kursen har varit helt outstanding, och jag skulle anmäla mig direkt om det kommer fler!
The 10th lesson with Tim Holtz - the One and only! Some of the techniques I've tried before, while others were entirely new - and it has happened more than once that I found out that I previously had done completely wrong! :D It works much better with some things now, I can tell you! ;)
The course has been absolutely outstanding and I'd sign up immediately if there'll be another!
The course has been absolutely outstanding and I'd sign up immediately if there'll be another!